Saturday, June 2, 2007

gooche handbag nuy

-Ba, chief, thus surprise! Why to us simple not to sit down and not to leave on this?..
Treskuchiy sound from the slope above them forced stout person in a flash to lie. Bullet, after picking the coating by a number, with the sibilance flew away to the side. Echo the second shot reached almost without the delay.
Kaliban was thrown forward, threw open cowling, then, after diving back, it lay after the machine. In cowling one after another were lit the holes; one of the bullets pierced the windshield. But dock, having carefully glanced on the side, ascertained that it risked nevertheless not without reason. It again was bent down, when bullets struck entirely already in the dangerous proximity, then it jumped out as imp from the snuff-box, and it in a flash pulled out wires.
Poncho from Berni poured on two on the road from their avtomatikov. But vidya, that expend the bullets without to sense and even do not force enemy to lie, they ended useless fire.

gooche handbag

- A you how are occupied, Dok?- hailed Poncho.
-Tol'ko that it rendered harmless cracker in the motor, it answered Kaliban.- if you settle without the checking, has already been raised to the skies.
Vverkh along the slope, almost hidden by the paws of fir trees, ran away path. After tracing on it by view, dock more often guessed how saw the flash of familiar red hair-do, and next to it and black head.
Vyshe along the slope, meters in 300, the attention Of kalibana drew the certain bright speck, which very whisks away to the wall of house.
Dok shared with its discovery with friends.
- Germans selected this place for the ambush by no means randomly, it- they summed up they mark precisely there.
Esli Of kaliban did not make mistakes, then this meant that the group Of tsarndirla planned its actions on is much it was running forward. Possibly, about this place they knew those two, whom dock recently questioned. After cursing, it was mentally vowed hence with the kalibanitovykh "interviews" to pose questions and more general property, the type: "A are such your plans for the future?".
- look! You look je!- began to wail suddenly Poncho.
Riskuya to be plucked to gooche the bullet of sniper, the dock raised head, desiring to learn, which thus disturbed friend. It not uslykhal hereabout of the whistle of bullets, only echoes of two shots reached from somewhere on top. Then it immediately noted speechless black flock from several ten very strong feathered: ravens, Sokolov, hawks and other not less dear birdies, by the wedge of carriers along the slope to their side. Birds dispatch low-, hardly without catching the top of trees, and the head of each married familiar bright speck.